Monday, April 23, 2007

Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, Director, CONACYT, MEXICO este 27 de Abril en Quebec

CONAHEC’s 11th North American Higher Education Conference!

North Americans share many historical, cultural, and linguistic bonds and many common issues to face. With the signing of NAFTA in 1994, our region has become inextricably linked by growing economic ties. Leaders in North America recognize that regional and individual community prosperity depends largely on the global competencies of our future professionals -- today's students. Governmental and educational leaders acknowledge that higher education institutions in North America must be more proactive and offer students opportunities to gain international expertise by becoming more internationally oriented while strengthening local connections in their teaching, research and public service functions.

More than a decade after NAFTA was launched, it is increasingly evident that our region cannot isolate itself, but must rather develop stronger and more productive linkages both internally and with other world regions. Higher education has an important role to play in connecting North America with the rest of the world.

Together, we will revitalize the North American higher education collaborative agenda for the new political, economic and educational context in which we live today. We will focus on:

  1. Further improving mechanisms to promote quality assurance and mutual recognition of courses and degrees in North America and beyond
  2. Identifying current challenges and opportunities in North American higher education
  3. Sharing best practices in efforts to internationalize institutions and their curricula, while maintaining and strengthening local institutional connections
  4. Comparing experiences in developing, implementing and promoting student exchange programs in other regions
  5. Fostering a more active participation between institutions, governments and the business sector in international education and collaboration

Concurrent sessions will showcase strategies and best practices in areas such as:

  • Promoting and strengthening North American studies across the continent and beyond
  • Student and faculty mobility
  • Professional mobility and market needs
  • International higher education and local economic development
  • Providing international experience to those unable to leave their home country

Conference highlights will include:

  • Overviews by top-level officials representing higher education, government and business regarding key issues confronting North America
  • Working group sessions
  • Structured networking exercises to meet North American collaborative project partners from key institutions
  • A gala awards dinner honoring individuals who have contributed to higher education collaboration in North America
  • Joint sessions with the Student Organization of North America (SONA).

The 11th North American Higher Education Conference is organized by the Consortium for North American Higher Education Collaboration. CONAHEC is a tri-national consortium linking higher education institutions in North America.

Our co-conveners are:

CONAHEC is fortunate to benefit from the assistance of the largest and most distinguished system of institutions in the Province of Quebec. Our host for this exciting event is the

University of Quebec System

CONAHEC sincerely thanks the following organizations for their generous support of this North American Higher Education Conference.

Educational Organizations:
Business Sector:

If you would like to find out about how to exhibit at or sponsor this event, please visit our exhibitors or sponsors page.

Some of our invited speakers include:

Jorge Balán
, Researcher, Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad, ARGENTINA, & Visiting Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, CANADA

Sylvia Crowder, Program Officer, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, USA

Everett Egginton, President-elect, Association of International Educators (NAFSA), USA

Eva Egron Polak, Secretary-General and Executive Director, International Association of Universities (IAU), FRANCE

Evelyne Foy, Cégep international, CANADA

Madeleine Green, Vice President for International Initiatives, American Council on Education (ACE), USA

Leonard Haynes III, Senior Advisor, Office of Postsecondary Education, U.S. Department of Education, USA

Norma Angélica Juárez Salomo, Presidenta, Educación Internacional Asociación Mexicana para la Educación Internacional, MEXICO

David Longanecker, Executive Director, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, USA

Pierre Moreau, President, Université du Québec System, CANADA

Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, Director, CONACYT, MEXICO

Jamil Salmi, Education Sector Manager, The World Bank, USA

Julio C. Theiler, Secretario Académico, Asociación de Universidades "Grupo Montevideo", URUGUAY

Rodolfo Tuirán, Subsecretario de Educación Superior, Secretaría de Educación Pública, MEXICO

Marijk van der Wende, President of the Governing Board, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Programme on Institutional Management in Higher Education, FRANCE

Display of Literature

A publications table will be available for participants to display promotional brochures relevant to the conference. Space is limited. You may send your brochures to yourself at the hotel prior to the conference or bring them with you.

Student Organization of North America (SONA) 6th Conference

The Student Organization of North America (SONA) was inaugurated in 1999 as the North American Student Forum for undergraduate and graduate students. It serves as a framework for student-led cooperation across national boundaries.

SONA fosters student awareness and personal involvement in North American regional collaboration. We are a student community promoting cross-cultural relations, respect and understanding across Canada, the United States and Mexico. We are a non-governmental, politically independent and non-profit organization open to students - graduate and undergraduate - from all academic programs.

Students administer and run all SONA activities, including their conference. For information about the Sixth SONA conference which will be held in conjunction with CONAHEC's Eleventh North American Higher Education Conference, please visit the SONA conference website at:

Correspondence about the SONA conference can be directed to:

Marianna Velázquez
Conference Organizer
Student Organization of North America (SONA)
220 W. 6th Street
Bldg. 300A, Room 108
PO Box 210300
Tucson, Arizona 85721-0300 USA
Telephone: (520) 626-0120
Fax: (520) 626-2675

Friday, April 20, 2007

El Festival Quebec Scene, 2007

El Festival Quebec Scene

Del 20 de Abril al 5 de Mayo del 2007, el Centro Nacional de las Artes reunirá a 700 artistas de Québec en un festival artístico y cultural denominado The Quebec Scene.

Este festival tendrá lugar en más de 25 centros de espectáculos y galerías en toda la región de Ottawa / Gatineau, incluyendo los cuatro escenarios del Centro Nacional de las Artes, la Casa de Cultura de Gatineau, museos y galerías, teatros y salas de conciertos, clubes, bares y restaurantes.

Siendo éste un festival multicultural, The Quebec Scene presentará algunos espectáculos de música latina que estamos seguros serán de especial interés para la comunidad latinoamericana, tales como:

Paulo Ramos,

20 de Abril (Brasil)

Guitarrista, cantante y compositor de Montreal que transmite toda la sensualidad de su país de origen: Brasil. Su ritmo soñador y su suave voz nos transportan a las cálidas playas brasileñas. Más que tratar de reinventar la música popular brasileña, Paulo Ramos busca dominar su autenticidad. ¡Simplemente encantador!

Conjunto Rómulo Larrea, Tango First Century

25 de Abril (Uruguay)

Este grupo interpretará un extenso repertorio usando una inusual combinación de trío tradicional de tango (bandoneón, piano y contrabajo) con un cuarteto clásico de cuerdas, regalándonos así una hermosa mezcla de música clásica y moderna que nos hará vibrar y soñar cuando, aunado a esto, los seis miembros de Tango First Century nos deleiten con una deslumbrante demostración de una de las más bellas danzas del siglo XXI.

Carlos Placeres, Joaquín Díaz y Caridad Cruz,

28 de Abril (Cuba y República Dominicana)

¡Ésta será una verdadera fiesta latina! El gran trovador Carlos Placeres interpretará sus propias canciones, así como algunos clásicos cubanos, al ritmo de bolero, guaracha y rumba. Al mismo tiempo, estará compartiendo el escenario con Joaquín Díaz -conocido como el embajador de la música folclórica dominicana – y Caridad Cruz, la diva cubana de Québec.


2 de Mayo

Este grupo debe su éxito a la mezcla cultural que imprime a sus interpretaciones. Actualmente, Constantinople está presentando su proyecto Terra Nostra con el cual explora la música mexicana del siglo XVII, con músicos provenientes de la región de Veracruz.

Colectivo, Afrodizz,

4 de Mayo

¡Este espectáculo es único! Colectivo es una fiesta mexicana desbordante de energía, color y ritmo. Afrodizz es una mezcla de ritmos Nigerianos y música Afro-americana, soul, funk y jazz.

Para mayor información pueden visitar nuestra página en Internet:

Los boletos se encuentran a la venta en la taquilla del Centro Nacional de las Artes, en Ticket master al 613.755.1111 o en nuestra página de Internet.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

La fuga de cerebros se incrementó este año, reconoce el director del Conacyt

En 2007 ya no regresaron al país mil becarios de posgrado, señala el funcionario

La cifra representa 5% de los mexicanos que viajaron al extranjero para completar su formación profesional

"Aquí tenemos plazas suficientes", asegura Romero Hicks


El director del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt), Juan Carlos Romero Hicks, informó que mil becarios de posgrado no regresaron este año al país, lo que representa una fuga de cerebros de 5 por ciento.

En relación con las quejas de científicos sobre la falta de plazas académicas en universidades -causa principal de este fenómeno-, señaló que el problema tiene otras razones, porque actualmente hay 2 mil 950 puestos vacantes en los centros públicos de investigación e instituciones que dependen de la Secretaría de Educación Pública.

El ex gobernador de Guanajuato acudió ayer a la entrega de los premios nacionales de Calidad y Tecnología 2006, cuya ceremonia se realizó en la residencia oficial de Los Pinos. Al término del acto explicó que es "muy preliminar" el cálculo de que alrededor de 5 por ciento de los becarios "ya no regresaron al país".

Indicó que, en total, hay 20 mil becarios, de los cuales mil no habrían retornado al país. Explicó que el programa de repatriación de cerebros suma 14 años de vigencia, e indicó que mediante este esquema han regresado 700 mexicanos posgraduados.

La meta del Conacyt en esta administración es identificar a becarios y ex becarios para que puedan seguir vinculados a México mediante programas relacionados con agua, medio ambiente, energía, tecnología, diseño, manufactura, nuevo materiales y pobreza.

-El problema es que no hay plazas para ellos en México.

-Sí hay plazas, pero el problema no es de plazas. En este momento hay 2 mil 950 vacantes en instituciones públicas.

-¿El coordinador de investigación científica de la UNAM, René Drucker, se queja de que no hay espacios suficientes.

-No voy a entrar en controversia con mi amigo René Drucker. Lo único que puedo decir es que hay plazas vacantes.

-¿Por qué no se ocupan?

-Porque a los concursos no se han presentado las personas a las que van dirigidas las convocatorias. Pero sí tenemos plazas, vamos a crear plazas, porque aún con eso no alcanzaríamos a hacer todo el esfuerzo.

-¿No se cubren los perfiles?

-Algo está ocurriendo en la planeación, por lo que no estamos cumpliendo.

Refirió que la administración federal buscará duplicar la inversión en ciencia y tecnología, porque actualmente representa 0.46 por ciento del PIB, es decir, menos de la mitad de lo que establece la ley.

El gobierno federal destinó este año 32 mil 400 millones de pesos a este sector, lo que representa 55 por ciento del total nacional, mientras el restante 45 por ciento proviene del sector privado.

Romero Hicks indicó que México debe alcanzar los niveles de otros países, en los cuales 80 por ciento de la inversión es de origen privado y el 20 por ciento restante lo aporta el sector público.

Indicó que el gobierno de Felipe Calderón promoverá la entrega de estímulos fiscales (que este año ascenderán a 4 mil 500 millones de pesos) a las empresas que impulsen la innovación tecnológica.

Monday, April 16, 2007



en inmersión

9 – 27 de julio

En el corazón de CANADÁ
Inscripciones abiertas. Cupo limitado.

En México, D.F :
Departamento de Información
Centro de Enseñanza para
Av. Universidad #3002
(junto a la Facultad de Psicología)
Tel. (55) 5622-2470

En Ottawa-Gatineau, Canadá :
Escuela de Extensión en Canadá
Tel. (819) 777-8626
Fax (819) 777-8628
Correo electrónico:

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

EMILIO GOICOECHEA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mexico to Canada

Emilio Goicoechea was born in Mazatlan, Sinaloa on October 22nd, 1948 and is a graduate of the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in Business Administration.

He has enjoyed a varied career in the private sector as President and associate of many businesses dedicated to foreign trade, investment services, investment banking, industrial production, real estate and project development, and construction of low-income housing.

In addition to his business activities he has served as President of the "Confederación Nacional de Cámaras de Comercio" (CONCANACO, Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce); member of the "Consejo Coordinador Empresarial" (CCE, Entrepreneurial Coordinating Council); President of the "Instituto Mexicano de Mercadotecnia A.C." (Mexican Marketing Institute), and Permanent Guest to the Council of the "Confederación Patronal de la República Mexicana" (COPARMEX, Employers' Confederation of Mexico).

He has been advisor to the "Centro de Estudios Económicos del Sector Privado" (CEESP, Center of Economic Studies of the Private Sector), the "Instituto Mexicano de Comercio Exterior" (IMCE, Mexican Institute of Foreign Trade), the "Comisión Nacional de Valores" (CNV), the "Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social" (IMSS, Mexican Institute of Social Security), the "Instituto del Fondo Nacional de la Vivienda para los Trabajadores" (INFONAVIT), the "Fondo Nacional de Fomento al Turismo" (FONATUR, National Trusteeship for the Promotion of Tourism), "Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México" (FMN, National Railroads of Mexico), the "Fideicomiso para el Desarrollo Comercial del Banco de México" (FIDEC, Trusteeship for the Commercial Development of the Bank of Mexico), the "Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior" (BANCOMEXT, National Bank of Foreign Trade), the "Asociación Nacional de Importadores y Exportadores de la República Mexicana" (National Association of Importers and Exporters of Mexico) and the "Confederación Nacional de Cámaras Industriales" (CONCAMIN, National Confederation of Chambers of Industry).

Emilio Goicoechea has been an active member of the Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) for 36 years, and has served in various positions on local and state councils, as well as the National Council, and has been a member of the PAN National Executive Committee (CEN) since 1996.

From 1994 to 2000 he was Senator of the Republic and from 2000 to 2003 he served as a Federal Congressman. During his legislative terms he participated in the drafting of the new laws for telecommunications, civil aviation and airports. He played important roles in the privatization processes of airports, railroads, the satellite industry and ports; he also participated in the creation of the National Development Plan on Telecommunications. He participated actively in the parliamentary group that drafted the final version of the Navigation Bill.

His civic and social activities include serving as President of the Foundation of Firefighters of Mazatlan, Sinaloa, and representing the business community for 10 years on the Commission for Minimum Wage. In addition, he was treasurer of the foundation for the Mazatlan Carnival and is the current President of the Association of Scouts of Mexico.

The honours and awards he has received include "Executive of the Year" granted by the Chamber of Commerce of Acapulco, the Key to the city of Miami, "The Golden Eagle" from the Institute for Promotion of Free Enterprise, and many others.

He was appointed by President Vicente Fox in 2003 as Undersecretary of Tourism and was invited from 2004 to 2006 to serve as his Chief of Staff.

On January 22, 2007 he was appointed by President Felipe de Jesús Calderón Hinojosa to serve as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Mexico to Canada, and presented his Letters of Credence to the Governor General of Canada, the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, on March 22, 2007.

Ambassador Emilio Goicoechea presents Letters of Credence to the Government of Canada

Today Mr. Emilio Goicoechea presented his credentials as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Mexican States to the Government of Canada, represented by Governor General Michaëlle Jean, in her position as representative of Queen Elizabeth II, Head of State of Canada.

Upon conclusion of the presentation ceremony, held at the Governor General's Official Residence, Rideau Hall, Ambassador Goicoechea conversed with the Governor General regarding the excellent state of relations between the two nations and the main challenges both countries will face in the 21st century.

Ambassador Goicoechea Luna thanked the Governor General for her prompt and warm reception of him, and emphasized the privileged standing Canada enjoys among Mexico's partners. The Ambassador also reiterated Mexico's interest in strengthening regional and bilateral cooperation through the Canada-Mexico Partnership (CMP) and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP).

The Governor General in turn expressed to Mexico's new Ambassador the deep affection she feels toward Mexico, where she lived and learned Spanish, and which she has visited on numerous occasions.

For more information, please contact:

Mauricio Guerrero, Head of the Press Department
Tel: (613) 787 5184